Preparing for Adversity

My thoughts this morning were surrounding being prepared. For those of us raised through the Scouting program this was always reminded with the motto, and we were always raised to be self sufficient in any way possible. Usually this is related to being physically prepared for emergencies but of course like most of my rambling thoughts can be applied to all aspects of life.
Life is going to have adversity. It’s one of those sureties. There’s going to be hardship, problems, trials and times that are just…difficult. What that means to each of us individually is just as unique as each one of us is from each other. Although we do it regularly we cannot compare our trials to those of others. It’s not healthy nor fair to ourselves or others. The apparent severity of a trial on the outside looking in doesn’t really matter to the individual or family experiencing it.
What may seem small to someone may feel insurmountable at the moment that someone else is in the midst of it. Any trial can feel out of our capacity to endure it in the moment. And yet, when we are able to take a moment to detach from the emotions of the moment, there is always a pathway we can take.
Of course that doesn’t mean the way is easy either, but there is a way.
Being prepared can be defined in many ways. Prepared physically, mentally, emotionally and even spiritually for what may come. And even if we may still feel underprepared for what may hit us, being prepared in any fashion will only help even if in a small way.
This month is my two year “anniversary” of being diagnosed with cancer. It was just after Christmas in 2016 when we realized our world had just shifted on it’s axis. But in reality, that diagnosis was late. I had been in this fight for much longer than that, just not conscious of it. Symptoms had started weeks earlier, but I had written them off with other possible explanations. With the size and growth of the tumor, without any knowledge this has been growing in my for at least several years.
I felt so strongly earlier in the year that I needed to change my health. My body and subconscious and yes even my soul was likely shouting at me to get ready. To get in the fight. There are some serious times ahead, and I need to get prepared. In my readings and many have messaged me with the holistic mindset of cancer’s source being in various toxins in our lives. Not just physical, but all aspects. And while I have some debate about the answers to that kind of treatment approach, I do see the veracity in healing ourselves in every aspect of what may be fostering what is not right within us. In many of these areas I still fall short in addressing all that is off center, but I make my efforts each day.
I may be late in addressing some things, but each day is a new beginning and each effort is worth making. But if we can be better prepared for adversity of any kind, why not make that effort now rather than wait until it feels like a mountain we simply cannot surpass?
All these thoughts ran through my mind this morning as I arose once again early to address my physical efforts in healing and providing a healthy effort for my body. 5:15 arise and get to spin class with my cycling friends. An hour and fifteen minutes later I’d put in 30 miles of virtual distance according to the bike computer. Then home to get Taylor ready for the day followed by some weight lifting and walking the dog around the neighborhood. Feeling both tired and invigorated, ready to attack the rest of the day. Prepared for the tasks and yes the adversity that is sure to come, including those side effects that still hit me invariably at some point.
Those other things I’ll keep working on them. But in this one area, today I have succeeded and I feel better for it. I feel better for being prepared, and my day is better as a result.
Hopefully no one is tiring of this ongoing selfie publishing along with these notes. I've been challenging myself to take regular photos as part of the creative exercise, and specifically photos of myself because that puts me out of my comfort zone.
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