Good Friends & Well Wishes

Had a fun visit yesterday with an old friend. Some of you know I used to work with this guy. In fact I attribute my initial foray into professional photography to the 2004 UK tour where I was able to jump on the tour bus, take some photos and create a tour book. From there I got involved in helping sell merchandise on tour, continue to take photos and even work with doing some publicity for awhile. Such a fun, challenging and pivotal time in my career.
Donny heard about my diagnosis earlier this year, I’m guessing via our friend Tina, and has been so kind to call periodically to keep up on how things are going. Just a testament to the kind of person he is to care and offer his love and support. Despite not having worked with him or visited in years. And while he’s a lifelong celebrity, I really value this effort and friendship in everyone that has reached out at various times. It really does matter.
Long time family friends that send origami and notes seemingly at random but always at times when a smile and pick-me-up is needed. Neighbors have dropped by with a plate of treats. A quick text message with a “faces in places” noticed halfway around the world simply because they know I enjoy those fun little things. Others that have just dropped in to chat for a few minutes with nothing more than being a friend. The friends that get you a book that might offer some insight or those vitamins they really believe might make a difference in your health and energy. A new friend at spin class that brings you the “I H8 Cancer” socks just because. Even the kind comment on social media that only takes a moment. So many little things I can’t mention them all. All those things matter, more than perhaps we often realize we all need that touch of care and simply knowing someone else is aware of what our lives may be carrying right now.
I’ve been thinking about how wonderful this is not only for when these things are done for me, but how all of us benefit from these simply acts of kindness. It doesn’t take much, but how often do we get so caught up in our own struggles and daily lives that we go a full day, many days or longer without making an effort to reach out and offer some love and support for someone else? I know I can fall into this sometimes.
The reason Donny rang me up yesterday was he had a stack of letters he’d received from some fans on a recent tour he wanted to get delivered to me. Some kind fans, organized by Kim Simcock, sent in cards and notes of well wishes and inspiration. How amazing is that? Fans that I met over a decade ago while traveling “with the band” and simply doing my best to create some memorable photos, being aware of my new challenge in life and offering their support. If that doesn’t tug at your heart strings...
I’ve been opening up and enjoying these letters last night and today, reading the notes and cards with feelings of humility and gratitude. A remembrance of not only these fine people, but all those I’ve had the opportunity to meet and interact with over time. It makes me soul search a bit on what have I done lately to reach out to the lives and needs of others? Have I made it a point to recognize that someone else is likely in the middle of their own struggle and in need of some support or even a reason to smile for a moment? There’s always a good time and reason to make someone’s burdens just a little lighter.
So I really didn’t mean for this to become some lengthy essay on kindness for others, but that’s the kind of thinking that happens when others do these things for me. I’ve always enjoyed the “pay it forward” and “be kind” mentality, and sincerely try to be aware of those in need around me. At this time in my life when it’s very easy to get so wrapped up in my own struggles and needs, I find myself realizing it’s now more than ever that I feel the best when I forget myself and focus some time and energy on others. Whether that’s within my own family, neighbors, friends or strangers doesn’t really matter. Just to think outside “me” and do a little more for someone else, I find that I’m doing much better as a result.
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